Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Final Vacation

Tomorrow I leave for Sydney. Six days down under visiting my friend Scott and his partner Adam. Haven't seen Scott in a bunch of years (which is less then a bushel of years). While it will not be as cold as Korea, Sydney is forecast to be in the high 50s, low 60s. Brrr. Before Am Sam, that was ideal weather for me. Now, I get chilled when it drops below 82. After Sydney, I fly to Hong Kong.I am going to visit my friend Jordan and his partner Adam. It is not the same Adam, or that would be -- awkward. Eric, friend in Korea, will also be coming down for the weekend. Going to be a blast. I should have no trouble in Hong Kong cause it also an island, but the buildings might be a little taller and I hear they have a couple of traffic lights, unlike Am Sam which has zero.

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